
Combating Cybercrime on a SMB Budget

Think Your Business Is Too Small To Be a Target
of Cybercrime?
Think Again... 71% of Malicious Data Breaches Target Businesses with Less than 100 Employees

Most SMBs don't have the same financial footing or ability to rebound from a cyberspace attack as large businesses do. Many times damage is irreparable with some companies out of business within six months of a significant attack.
  • Learn why today's small businesses are often a stepping-stone for thieves to access bigger and better data.

  • Understand the vulnerabilities causing cybercriminals to zero in on smaller firms.

  • Find out how inadequate security could cost small businesses clients or potentially lucrative business partnerships.

  • Learn four ways SMBs can keep cybercriminals at bay and protect sensitive data without a huge budget or overhead costs.
Keeping Small Businesses Safe: Combating Cybercrime on a SMBs Budget
Starfruit Solutions | 345 Water Street | Gardiner, ME 04345
P: 844-378-4800 | https://www.starfruitsolutions.com | hello@StarfruitSolutions.com
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