
Is your business operating
on a WFH model?
Download our whitepaper to learn how you can safeguard your confidential business data.

WFH may keep your staff safe during the pandemic, but it may put your data at risk and jeopardize your data security *if* you don’t take the right precautions. Primarily because WFH often involves employees using their own devices for work purposes and that blurs a lot of boundaries. The WFH environment coupled with the BYOD (Bring-your-own-device) makes organizations much more vulnerable to cybersecurity threats than the traditional office setup.

Learn what data risks you face when an employee uses their device for work purposes and how you can mitigate those risks. Download our whitepaper, today!
Download Whitepaper
4965 US-42 Suite 1000, Louisville, KY, 40222
Phone: 502-804-1938
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