
Things To Know About The New Galaxy Phone
Ready for a new phone? If you’ve got your eye on Samsung’s new Galaxy Note 8 coming out this fall, take a gander at these great new features. It is poised to be Samsung’s best cell phone ever.
What’s new in the Galaxy Note 8?
Samsung is banking on this new release. They have poured even more features into this new device. The Galaxy Note 8 comes with a great onboard stylist that has a nice fine point for more accurate note taking on the 6.3-inch screen. In addition, the multi-view feature allows you to have two applications open at the same time. This is sure handy when you’d like to calendar a few items while you browse the web.
What’s inside?
The new Galaxy Note comes standard with Bluetooth 4.0, dual cameras, and high resolution display. It’s light weight and water proof features make it durable for daily life. In addition, this device comes with Polarus Office that includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint type programs so you don’t need to make any additional purchases to view these types of documents. Samsung even worked on the battery too. The new Galaxy Note 8 boasts large memory options too so you can house plenty of the videos, books, photos, and applications you love.
Cell phone wars.
Developers are hard at work creating new feature sets to feed consumers appetites to do more with their handheld devices. The year will bring some of the best cell phones we’ve ever seen. Samsung and Apple are at war with their new releases. The Samsung Galaxy 8 and the iPhone 8Plus will be fairly comparable.
What will you choose?
Generally, we like to stick with an upgrade under the same manufacturer. However, the new feature sets may sell you. Make sure to review each new release carefully to weigh your options.
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